POST api/NRMClose?apiKey={apiKey}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
apiKey | string |
Required |
Body Parameters
NRMModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
NrmID | globally unique identifier |
None. |
NrmStatusID | NRMStatus |
None. |
ModifiedBy | globally unique identifier |
None. |
TransactionNo | string |
None. |
ContactInfo | ContactInfo |
None. |
CheckIn | InOutDetail |
None. |
CheckOut | InOutDetail |
None. |
TransactionType | integer |
None. |
NrmReason | string |
None. |
NrmToLocation | string |
None. |
OpenCloseStatus | integer |
None. |
VehicleDamage | Collection of VehicleDamageModel |
None. |
ReplacementVehicleDamage | Collection of VehicleDamageModel |
None. |
VehicleCheckListIDs | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
ReplacementVehicleCheckListIDs | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
TransactionAncillaryDetail | Collection of TransactionAncillaryDetail |
None. |
DriverID | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "NrmID": "8a1b73cb-1251-4b94-9822-07ea839aded8", "NrmStatusID": 1, "ModifiedBy": "10294f8c-3ad9-4db0-9db9-9dd478f0c819", "TransactionNo": "sample string 3", "ContactInfo": { "CustomerType": 0, "TitleType": 0, "Name": "sample string 1", "Address": "sample string 2", "Email": "sample string 3", "ContactNo": "sample string 4", "CountryState": { "StateCode": "sample string 2", "StateName": "sample string 3", "CountryCode": "sample string 4", "CountryName": "sample string 5", "NationalityCode": "sample string 6", "NationalityName": "sample string 7" }, "Id": "00232cb2-734b-4eba-a2f9-dd0e639585d1", "Code": "sample string 9" }, "CheckIn": { "Timestamp": "2024-09-12T20:30:04.6817361+04:00", "BranchID": "fa414728-184e-43de-a0c2-a678ee0f4f49", "Name": "sample string 5", "BranchDescription": "sample string 6", "BranchMessage": "sample string 7", "Address": "sample string 8", "StateName": "sample string 9", "DeliveryPickupAddress": "sample string 10", "DeliveryPickupStateName": "sample string 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"2024-09-12T20:30:04.6817361+04:00", "InvoiceCycle": 1, "AgreementStatus": 0, "LastInvoiceFrom": "2024-09-12T20:30:04.6817361+04:00", "LastInvoiceTo": "2024-09-12T20:30:04.6817361+04:00", "Note": "sample string 10" }, "Status": 0, "IsChecked": true, "Remark": "sample string 6", "CreatedBy": "5dfea5c5-cb93-4b0d-ac96-db9161f9f201", "CreatedOn": "2024-09-12T20:30:04.6817361+04:00", "ModifiedBy": "dad3fc19-1f2b-4fae-93ab-73d5f9813bd6", "ModifiedOn": "2024-09-12T20:30:04.6817361+04:00", "IsDeleted": true } ] }, { "AncillaryType": { "AncillaryTariffID": "05177af7-42a9-46d3-8ca4-7221766bc7a1", "Name": "sample string 2", "IsCompulsoryOnRental": true, "Description": "sample string 7", "Attachment": { "AttachmentID": "7abf22c4-d4a9-48fe-9656-0d54e192c7a3", "ImageString": "sample string 6", "AttachmentDataBase64": "sample string 7" }, "SelectionType": 0, "Rate": 9.1, "RateType": 0, "FreeDays": 11 }, "AncillaryItems": [ { "Identity": { "Id": "d8579eee-43cd-4f83-b09f-20361533af4a", "Code": "sample 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"2024-09-12T20:30:04.6817361+04:00", "LastInvoiceTo": "2024-09-12T20:30:04.6817361+04:00", "Note": "sample string 10" }, "Status": 0, "IsChecked": true, "Remark": "sample string 6", "CreatedBy": "5dfea5c5-cb93-4b0d-ac96-db9161f9f201", "CreatedOn": "2024-09-12T20:30:04.6817361+04:00", "ModifiedBy": "dad3fc19-1f2b-4fae-93ab-73d5f9813bd6", "ModifiedOn": "2024-09-12T20:30:04.6817361+04:00", "IsDeleted": true } ] } ], "DriverID": "738ef7a5-d650-4b03-ab23-a70e79e0d1dd" }
Sample not available.
Sample not available.
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
ResultName | Description | Type | Additional information |
IsValid | boolean |
None. |
Message | string |
None. |
Code | string |
None. |
ID | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Errors | Collection of string |
None. |
ErrorCodes | Collection of ErrorCode |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "IsValid": true, "Message": "sample string 2", "Code": "sample string 3", "ID": "87ec8a1e-d17b-450a-b774-911030d6e64f", "Errors": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "ErrorCodes": [ 1, 1 ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<Result xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Code>sample string 3</Code> <ErrorCodes> <ErrorCode>Success</ErrorCode> <ErrorCode>Success</ErrorCode> </ErrorCodes> <Errors xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:string>sample string 1</d2p1:string> <d2p1:string>sample string 2</d2p1:string> </Errors> <ID>87ec8a1e-d17b-450a-b774-911030d6e64f</ID> <IsValid>true</IsValid> <Message>sample string 2</Message> </Result>